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Social media moves as the water and the sound, in waveform.

Social media’s movement is akin to the natural flow of water and sounds. These two things seemingly have nothing in common, however, they share one aspect: the way they move. And social media treads along their path. As we know, waves and sounds tend to carry themselves in patterns. They’re fluid by nature as they bounce back and forth from one place to another. In a way, it seems to be an intricate dance between them that creates ripples across all forms of surfaces and landscapes alike. Similarly, social media trends and online conversations do just that as well— undulating their way through the internet’s space in order to influence and reshape our digital experience as we know it today. A simple photo or message can be shared within seconds with thousands of people around the world; this is power at its finest, but also a huge responsibility that many take for granted nowadays. That being said, if we want to dive deeper into this never-ending rabbit hole known as “the internet”, perhaps understanding its wave-like nature will allow us to better navigate through its vastness without getting tossed out into the deep end too early on — especially when everything seems like smooth sailing at first glance but is constantly moving and changing second by second below the surface without us even noticing it is there…

Social media moves as the water and the sound, in waveform.

Categories/Keywords/Keyphrases (English):

Downloadable, Social media, Waveform, Digital, Interaction, Trends, Social media movement, Waveform movement, Digital interactions, Water and sound analogy, Dynamic landscape, Online interactions, Digital experience, Social media trends, Navigating social media, Constant motion

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English: Photo of Mathias (Eternal Ninja) Frank, sitting in a leather chair. Mathias is an autistic artisk, who writes in 3 Languages. English, German, Norwegian. | Deutsch: Foto von Mathias (Eternal Ninja) Frank, der in einem Ledersessel sitzt. Mathias ist ein autistischer Künstler, der in drei Sprachen schreibt. Englisch, Deutsch, Norwegisch. | Norsk: Foto av Mathias (Eternal Ninja) Frank, sittende i en skinnstol. Mathias er en autistisk kunstner, som skriver på 3 språk. engelsk, tysk, norsk.

© Copyrights: @ Mathias Frank (Eternal Ninja | Q-Asar Music). All rights reserved.

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